Here are some most effective ways to check your PC performance.

Port Scan Your Firewall
In case you’re behind a switch, the switch’s system address interpretation (NAT) include adequately goes about as a firewall, forestalling different PCs on the Internet from interfacing with your PC. To guarantee that your PC’s product is protected from the Internet – either with a NAT switch or through a product firewall if your PC is associated specifically with the Internet – you can utilize the ShieldsUP! test site. It will play out a port sweep of your IP address, deciding if ports are open or shut at your address. You need ports to be shut to shield conceivably powerless administrations from the wild west condition of the open Internet.
Check Browser Plug-ins
Program modules are presently the most widely recognized assault vector – that is programming like Java, Flash, and Adobe’s PDF peruser. You ought to guarantee that you generally have the most recent, most avant-garde renditions of all your program modules in the event that you need to remain safe on the web.
Mozilla’s Plugin Check site is especially useful for this. It’s made by Mozilla, yet it doesn’t simply work in Firefox. It additionally works in Chrome, Safari, Opera, and Internet Explorer.
In the event that you have any outdated modules, you should refresh them to the most recent, secure renditions. In the event that you have Java introduced by any means, you should just uninstall it now – or if nothing else incapacitate its program module. Java is liable to a consistent surge of zero-day vulnerabilities and appears to invest a large portion of its energy defenseless against assault.
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Sweep For Vulnerable Software
On working frameworks with focal programming vaults (like Linux) or application stores (like iOS, Android, and Windows 8’s Modern condition), it’s anything but difficult to tell that every one of your applications is fully informed regarding the most recent discharged security patches. It’s altogether taken care of through a solitary apparatus that updates them naturally. The Windows desktop doesn’t have this extravagance.
Secunia, an IT security organization builds up a free application named Secunia Personal Software Inspector to help with this. Whenever introduced, Secunia PSI examines the product introduced on your PC and distinguishes any outdated, possibly helpless projects on your PC. It doesn’t think about each bit of programming at any point made for Windows, however, it helps recognize programming you should refresh.
Test Your Antivirus
You can utilize the EICAR document to test your continuous antivirus scanner and guarantee it will contract new infections, however, it can likewise be utilized to test different sorts of antivirus insurance. For instance, in case you’re running antivirus programming on a Linux mail server and you need to test that it’s working legitimately, you can email the EICAR record through the mail server and guarantee it’s gotten and isolated.
Note: it’s critical to test and ensure every one of your guards is accurately designed and working appropriately, yet this can’t ensure you’re against infection will come down with each new infection. Since there are new infections consistently, it pays to at present be cautious about what you download.